How do I...
Download and install Symphony?
Before installing Symphony, make sure your computer meets the following requirements:
Sign Up as a new user?
In order to use Symphony, you need to have an active account in safe-mail.
If you already have an active account in safe-mail, then you can use it via Symphony, and simply Sign In.
Otherwise, you can sign up by clicking 'New user? Sign Up!' in the first screen of Symphony, and following the on-screen instructions.
Sign in?
If you don't have an active account in safe-mail, you have to Sign Up first.
To sign in, simply enter your user name and password and press 'Sign In'.
In case of an incorrect user name or password, you will be notified.
Having problems connecting? Press here for more information.
Sign out?
If you want to sign out and exit symphony, you can either click the 'X' button in the top of the window, click the 'Sign Out' button or choose 'Exit' from the 'File' menu.
If you want to sign out in order to sign in as a different user, you can choose the 'File -> Sign Out' menu instead of exiting and running the program again.
Upgrade my account?
If you want more disk space and features, you can either press the upgrade button in the top right of the window, or choose the 'Account->Upgrade your account' menu, or click the 'Upgrade your account' in the 'General' tab.
Clicking any of these links will open a browser with a page explaining more about our premium programs.
Upload files or folders into my Briefcase?
First press on the 'Briefcase' tab. Then there are several ways you can upload files or folders into your briefcase:
The simplest way is to drag and drop files or folders from anywhere in your computer to your briefcase (either to the folder tree or to the file list at the left panes).
You can also drag files from the tree and file list of your local computer panes at the right.
Another option is to select the files and folders you want to upload in the local computer panes, and press the 'upload' button . Then you can browse through your briefcase folders in the opened window, and choose into which folder you want to upload your files.
Note that when the folder browser opens, the marked folder is the default upload folder, which can be changed in the Symphony preferences window.
Download files or folders from my Briefcase?
First press on the 'Briefcase' tab. After you have done that, there are two ways you can upload files or folders into your briefcase:
The simpler way is to drag and drop files or folders from your Briefcase (the two left panes), to the local computer (the two right panes).
The second way is to select the items you want to download from your Briefcase, and press the 'download' button .
Then a window will open, in which you can select the folder in your local computer you want to download the files to.
Note that the marked folder when this window is opened is the default download folder, which can be changed in the Symphony preferences window.
Watch the progress of my uploads and downloads?
When you upload or download a file or a folder, Symphony adds it to appropriate transfers queue.
In each queue, the transfers are processed one by one. You can view both queues in the 'transfers' tab.
In each queue you can view the status (waiting, transferring, completed, failed etc.) and progress of each transfer. You can also cancel any of the transfers.
The current upload and download also appear in the status bar at the bottom of the window.
Manage my briefcase?
At the 'Briefcase' tab, you can perform several actions to manage your briefcase:
Know if I have new mail messages?
Symphony regularly checks your account for new mail.
Symphony will inform you when a new mail arrives using a popup window (unless you've changed your preferences to 'never popup').
In addition to that, in the 'General' tab you will see links to the folders containing the new mail messages.
Read the incoming new mail?
You can see links to your new mail messages in two locations:
Leave Symphony running in the background?
You can click the 'minimize to tray' button to minimize Symphony to an icon in your Taskbar. After that a small icon
will appear in your taskbar, and the Symphony window will disappear.
To restore the symphony window you can either double click that icon, or right click on it and choose 'Restore' in the popup menu.
When new mail arrives, the icon will change to (and a popup will appear if your preferences say so).
Send Briefcase files as mail attachments?
Go to the 'Briefcase' tab, select the files you want to send (note that you cannot send folders), right click and choose 'Send As Attachment' from the popup menu.
A web browser will open to compose new mail, with the files you chose already attached.
Change my preferences?
There are two types of preferences: The Symphony program preferences, and your safe-mail account preferences. Both are accessible via the 'Account' menu.
They are available by clicking the 'preferences' button. .
Your account's preferences are also available via the appropriate button in the 'General' tab.
Note that your account's preferences are a web page in safe-mail' site, and a browser will be opened to enable you to change them.
In addition to that, you can also update your user profile ("user information"), through the 'Account' menu or using the appropriate button in the 'General' tab.
Access other safe-mail features (compose mail, calendar, album, jotter, etc.)?
Since this is a beta version, many of safe-mail features are not an integral part of Symphony.
To still enable easy access to most of these features, we have added 'shortcut buttons' in the 'General' tab, each opens up a browser window with the matching feature.
Contact Symphony staff for other questions?
Simply send your questions and comments to, and we'll be happy to respond.