Mail Control allows you to tell Safe-mail how to handle incoming and outgoing messages for your account.:
- To create a signature that will appear by default in the text box provided for composing messages.
- To attach a visit card to outgoing messages.
- To completely reject incoming e-mails from named persons.
- To tell the system how to handle removed mails (either "Remove mail permanently" (this is the default) or "Keep removed mail in Trash folder")
- To specify whether to keep outgoing mails in your Sent folder by default.
- To attach a "Reply To" address to your outgoing mails.
- To specify treatment of HTML messages.
- Auto Respond allows you to setup an Auto Respond text and define the dates it will be used. To find out more, click here.
- Filters allows you to set-up your Safe-mailTM account to automatically move messages that contain certain words in the subject, from, to, or cc, into a designated folder.
HTML Messages
When you receive messages that have been formatted as a web page, choose whether to open the HTML-formatted message in a separate window.
- Check box - Enable HTML keywords when displaying text messages
When showing HTML formatted messages, you can choose to show the HTML tags when viewing the message as text.
Trash Rules
When you delete a message, it is moved to the trash folder. How the message is handled in the trash folder depends on the preferences options that you have chosen.
- Delete immediately - all messages arriving in the trash folder, are deleted immediately.
- Empty trash folder at logout - when you click the Logout button, the system will empty the trash folder.
NOTE: This will also occur when when the system logs you out automatically (e.g., when you are away from the computer for more than X minutes.)
- Delete messages in trash folder after one week - each message arriving in the trash folder will be deleted after it has been sitting in the trash folder for a week.
- Keep in trash folder - messages will sit in the trash folder until you manually delete them.
- Empty trash when email quota has been exceeded - empties the trash folder when your account goes over its message storage quota.
NOTE: Deleted Junk messages are not moved to the Trash folder.
What to do with new junk message:
Tell Safe-mail what to do with a message that has been classified as junk.
- Save in 'Junk Folder' - when Safe-mail detects a junk message, it moves the message to the Junk folder. Choose this option if you routinely receive messages that could be classified as spam.
- Delete immediately - alternatively, you can delete all messages that Safe-mail classifies as spam.
- Empty 'Junk Folder' on quota exceed - empties the trash folder when your account goes over its message storage quota.
What is junk
Safe-mail has several ways to determine that a message is a junk message:
- Sender's e-mail address is illegal - when sending out spam, distribution lists and bulk servers will sometimes record the sender address in an unusable format which will contain illegal non-text characters such as: =, /, $, and other nontext characters. An example of an illegal address might be:
NOTE: Some distribution lists produce emails that produce illegal sender addresses. If you receive email from such a list, their email will be classified as junk by Safe-mail. Disable the illegal email address recognition feature if you find that legitimate email from a distribution list is being classified as junk. Alternatively, you can specify a Safe list of acceptable domains or addresses. For more information on the Safe/Block list, go here.
- Content is suspected of being SPAM - Safe-mail has sophisticated baysean filters that can analyze the content of each message entering your account. If Safe-mail detects that the message is spam, it can be treated accordingly.
Sender is suspected of being an imposter - when Safe-mail receives a message, it attempts to verify the sender. If it cannot verify the sender, or if sender claims to be sending Safe-mail account, when it isn't - it can safely be classified as spam.
Message was sent from an anonymous server - spam often originates from anonymous servers. Safe-mail defines an anonymous server to be any server that does not support proper back resolving.
NOTE: This method is highly accurate. However, there are legitimate servers that do not support proper back resolving, this means that Safe-mail will occasionally identify a valid server as an anonymous server.
WARNING: Deleting messages in Junk is permanent! Deleted Junk messages are not moved to the Trash folder.
Trusted Senders:
Safe-mail spam filtering is very accurate. However there are times when you want to be absolutely certain that messages from a specific source are not classified as spam. Therefore, Safe-mail allows you to specify Trusted Senders.
Email from Trusted Senders are not subject to spam processing. Since most of us want to stay in touch with those in our address book, you have the option of specifying that everyone in your address book be considered a Trusted User. The next step is to manually assign addresses that you wish to be exempt from spam processing. To assign an address as a Trusted Sender manually, go to the Safe/Block list in Preferences.
NOTE: As an alternative to specifying Trusted Senders, you can use mail filters to move messages from the junk folder to another folder. For instance, if your friend Bill is sending you email that is sometimes classified as spam, an email filter can move Bill's messages from the junk folder to another folder (e.g., Mail from Bill). For more information on mail filters, go here.
Do not check the message if the sender appears in my address book - trust everyone in your address book.
Do not check messages if the sender appears in my Safe List - trust address that you have added to your Safe List.
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Like a signature written with a pen, an email signature can identify and even say something about you. To include a signature with each message that you send, enter the text of your signature in the signature text box.
Visit Card
Visit cards are also known as vCards, and are an easy way to provide your contact details to everyone that receives your messages. vCards can be imported directly into the address books of all popular email applications. VCards are created from information provided from your User Info page. Only the information viewable by everyone is used.
HTML Messages
Creating messages using HTML or Rich Text format, can give you greater flexibility in the content that you can provide in a message and in its formatting.
Reply Style
When you reply to a message, the original message will be included in your reply. To help the reader understand which is your text, and which is the original message, you can tell Safe-mail to add a '>' sign at every line.
Outgoing mails
For each message that you send, you have the option of:
- By default, keep outgoing mails in user's Sent folder - Every message that you send out will be saved in the Sent folder.
- By default, Confirm addresses before sending - When you click send, the Safe-mail display the list of email addresses that you are sending your message to. To send your message to the indicated addresses, you will need to click the Send button in the new window.
Attach the following Reply To address to all outgoing mails: - If you wish recipients of your message to respond to a different email address, type the address in the indicated text box.
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Additional e-mail address
When your Safe-mail account receives a message, Safe-mail can send a notification message to any email address. The notification message will not include the text of the message, but can provide details about the Sender, the subject, when the message arrived, and the Safe-mail reference number. If one of the addresses is linked to your cellular phone, Safe-mail has the ability to send the message using SMS format.
You can include up to three email addresses separated by a space or a comma. These addresses must be complete email addresses. Entry names in your address book will not work.
Receiving outside e-mail
When you receive email from another Safe-mail user, the sender will always be able to find out whether you have read their message, and when. However, when receiving messages from external addresses, the sender will only know if (and when) you have read their message if Safe-mail sends out a notice. Safe-mail will only send out a notice if you select one of the following:
· Notify about reading the mail according to sender's request
· Always Notify about reading the message
Likewise, you can ask a recipient to send you a notice that they have read the message by selecting the following:
Request a read receipt for every mail sent to external recipient.
NOTE: Read receipts are not automatically sent when an external user opens a message requesting a read receipt. In most cases, sending a read receipt is optional for the recipient. Additionally, some users (e.g. Hotmail users) do not have the capability to receive read receipts, so they will not be able to respond to them.
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Auto Respond
Set up Auto Respond message
When setting up an auto respond message, select the date that you wish to begin sending out messages, and the date that you wish to stop sending out auto respond messages. From between 12:01 a.m. of the first day (From:) and 12:00p.m. of the last day (To:), everyone sending you a message will be sent a message using the text from the text box.
Also, you can include fields that will be replaced with the appropriate information:
$(Sender) - name of the incoming mail's sender.
$(Date) - the date the incoming mail was sent.
$(Subject) - the subject of the incoming mail.
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Safe/Block List
Safe list
Specify how you wish to accept messages. If you find that you are receiving an excessively large amount that you do not wish to receive, changing your Safe list settings.
- Accept all messages - allow all messages being sent to your account. They will still be filtered and managed according to other preferences. this is default setting.
- Accept only messages sent from secure addresses (Safe-mail sites and S/MIME) - messages originating from Safe-mail or from another email server that uses S/MIME security.
- Accept only messages sent from addresses which are listed in my address book - receive messages only from addresses in your address book.
- And according to the following lists - specify exceptions to the settings above by specifying addresses and domains that your account should accept. There are three ways that you can specify exceptions:
- Safe-mail users or external addresses - You can specify Safe-mail names without specifying the Safe-mail domain (i.e., johnsmith, instead of For all other addresses, you must supply complete addresses.
- Any user authenticated by one of the following SAF-email users - you can allow other users to determine who you will receive messages from. Specify a Safe-mail user in the box, and your account will accept messages from the addresses that the specified Safe-mail user has authenticated.
- Servers/Domains - You can also specify a domain that you will accept all messages from users from that domain (e.g., specifying will cause your account to accept all messages from, including Also,
Block List
specify the email addresses and address domains that you do not wish to receive messages from.
- User Addresses - Supply complete addresses that you want to block.
- Servers/Domains - You can specify a domain that you will accept all messages from users from that domain (e.g., specifying will cause your account to accept all messages from, including
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Email filters help make the job of managing your messages simple and easy. Messages from Bob can be directed to the folder named Bob. Since the subject line of the neighborhood newsletter always starts with [Nn], it can be moved to the Newsletter folder. Messages sent to your client, XYZ company, and also sent to you, will always go to the XYZ company folder.
Depending on how you define them, Safe-mail filters can examine the content of the subject line, the sender's address, the receiver's address and clear up the clutter that can keep you from seeing the important messages in your inbox. So, if your inbox is a mess, take a moment to create filters to help keep it organized. It'll only take a couple minutes and save you from missing an important message.
New Filter
- Filter is active - a filter will not check incoming messages unless this check box has been checked.
- Filter Name - type the name of the filter. You should choose a descriptive name for the filter. A descriptive name will help you identify the right filter, should you ever need to modify the filter. To create the filter, select one or more filter elements. The more elements that you select, the more focused the filter.
- Subject - Certain kinds of messages will often include special identifying words that will help you in your efforts to filter messages. Phrases like [Investing], [Favorite Recipes], and [Daily Quote] will allow you to create filters that will move the messages to special folders when they arrive in your inbox.
- From - Messages sent from a specific source can be put in a special folder. Messages from your Aunt Margaret ( could go to the family folder, while all the hotmail messages ( could go to the hotmail folder.
- To - Sometimes you will be sent messages that have also been sent to someone else. Putting their address in the To box will cause the filter to manage the message. For instance you can place all messages that have been sent to your boss in a folder called Boss.
- Cc - We've all received messages where certain addresses appear in the CC list. Sometimes the CC list tells us about the nature of the message. For instance, all messages that have been CC'd to the company lawyer can be moved to the Legal folder.
- Element modifiers - for the Subject, From, To, and Cc boxes, you will see selection boxes with Contain, Not contain, Start with, End with, Is, Is not. You will use these boxes to help refine the focus of the filter:
- Contain - The default, and means that any time the word, or phrase, is found, the filter will act on the message.
- Not contain - tells the filter not to act if the word or phrase is found
- Start with - the element must begin with the indicated text and/or values
- End with - the element must be at the end of the indicated text and/or values
- Is - the text and/or values must be exactly as entered
- Is not - the filter will act only if the text and/or values are not exactly as entered
- Spam - believe it or not, there are times when you want spam. For instance, if your friend Susan sends you copies of her favorite spam, you might want to have a folder called 'Susan - spam' instead of lumping everything in your Susan folder.
- Size - sometimes size does matter. If you notice that messages of a certain size are joke video clips from your neighbors, and are clogging up your account, you can have them deleted automatically - or moved to your Jokes folder. When you have determined the size range that you want to filter, select the lower range in the From box, the upper range in the To box, and whether the message will always contain an attachment, or not. You don't need to select the attachment option. The default selection will check messages with, or without, attachments.
- Put In Folder - select the folder where you want the message to be placed. Alternatively, you can have the message permanently deleted. Messages that have been permanently deleted are not recoverable, since the deletion process bypasses the trash folder.
TIP: We recommend that you try out different filter settings until you discover a mix of filters and filter settings that meet your needs.
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