Good password examples
Rules are simple:
Choose a string of at least 8 characters, including at least one
upper case, one lower case and one non-alphabetical character.
Any printable character is allowed, including spaces.
It is recommended to create a long, easy to remember phrase.
(Please don't use these examples; create phrases of your own!)
- ICelebratedMy125BirthdayYesterday!
- WhyIsItSoImportantToHaveAStrongPassword?
- WakeUpEveryDayAt10AM
- IHave54321$InMyWallet
- I am 100% sure it's going to raintoday.
- MyGrandparentsAnniversaryIsOnThe16/8
- MyShoppingList:Bread&Milk&3Yogurts
- UseSafe-mailToEnsureYourCorrespondenceSafety!